



We enhance the Early Years provision in nurseries, schools, pre-schools and all early years settings with our fun, engaging and educational program.

Tell Me About Nursery Sessions?

The award-winning Drama Tots program has been written specifically for young children and follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.

Our 30 minute sessions are fast paced, engaging and fun and are aimed at children aged 18 months – 5 years. 

Each week children are taken on a new and exciting adventure which we bring to life using music, movement and imaginative play. One week we could be walking on the moon and the next we might be going on a fire engine rescue! We use an amazing range of props, puppets and instruments to enhance every activity.


What are the benefits?

Drama Tots sessions are exciting, engaging, interactive and educational. Through our weekly classes, children develop their communication and language skills, concentration, creative thinking and confidence whilst learning about themselves and the world around them. Most importantly they have the most wonderful fun!

“As managers here at Busy Bees Allesley Green, we strongly believe that Drama Tots has a huge impact on the children’s learning and development. Building their confidence and self esteem in a fun and engaging way. Providing this extra curricular activity is hugely appreciated by the parents and something that we are really proud to offer.” 


How Do I find out more?

We offer a trial session to demonstrate what Drama Tots can offer to your early years setting. Find your nearest Drama Tots here and we will be delighted to tell you more and book a session.

We recommend a maximum of 20 children in each nursery session and for larger numbers we often take 2 classes. For school settings we can take up to 30 children.

Our classes are generally booked on a termly basis but we also offer one off sessions for special occasions such as World Book Day and Chinese New Year.

We LOVE to help you to celebrate. Drama Tots provides awesome party entertainment for any occasions. Christmas parties, Easter parties, Graduation parties….. You name it, we’ll be there!

For more information, prices and to book your trial, contact us today.
